Section en-ubuntu-18-04-lts

Configure Exim to send emails with Gmail

Written by on 12/12/2022
We will see how to configure Exim4 to send system emails with Gmail. This will ensure that your emails sent with your CRON are correctly routed and do not end up in spam. Let's install Exim4 apt-get install exim4 Configuration dpkg-reconfigure exim4-config Choose: mail sent by smarthost; no local mail Then answer the questions as follows: System mail name: YOUR_HOSTNAME IP-addresses to listen on for incoming SMTP connections: ; ::1 Other destinations fo...

Migration and upgrade of a GitLab-ce server

Written by on 29/06/2021
Every 5 years, it's the same song and dance. The Debian LTS version is expiring, and it's time to update the server. It's also an opportune moment to upgrade to a newer machine to benefit from improved performance.If we have a SATA hard drive, it's better to start with new disks regardless, since their lifespan is limited. So we will proceed with a series of backups on the old server, transfer them to the new one, and reinstall everything as it was. In our case, we were on Debian 8, which sup...

Microsoft Teams: Join a chat room automatically from a link on Linux

Written by on 28/03/2021
Tags:   Microsoft, shell, linux
Today, using Teams on Linux is essential given its prevalence in the corporate world.You will always have a contact, a client, or a work group that uses this tool.And it works very well on Linux. EXCEPT since the latest update, where the direct access links to meetings no longer work.You click the link, a web page opens, then you click on "Open your Teams application". Then, the application opens, but not the conference. And since we're not on Zoom, it's impossible to open the c...

Chrome – videostream: fix chromecast search on linux

Written by on 31/05/2019
Install the initial extension: Go to => chrome://flags/ search for “Views Cast dialog” in the “Views Cast dialog” setting, change “Default” to “Disabled” search for “Upcoming UI features” in the “Upcoming UI features” setting, change “Default” to “Disabled” Restart chrome. The chrome cast search popup should then appear.

Increase swap space

Written by on 02/05/2019
Starting with Ubuntu 18.04, a swap file rather than a dedicated swap partition is used. The swap file is named "swapfile". To modify the size of this swap file: Disable the swap file and delete it (not really necessary as you are going to overwrite it) sudo swapoff /swapfile sudo rm /swapfile Create a new swap file of the desired size. Determine the size of your swap file. If you want to create a 4 GB swap file, you will need to write 4 * 1024 blocks of 10242 bytes (= 1 MiB). ...

Disable functions that crash Ubuntu 18.04

Written by on 08/03/2019
All these little tools will be useful for the paranoid, but in my case, they cause the machine to crash and make me unproductive.After removing them, the machine finally became stable.1 – Disable error reporting. vi /etc/default/apportset the parameter: enabled=02 – Remove snapdsudo apt autoremove --purge snapd sudo apt-get remove --purge gnome-software-plugin-snap rm -rf ~/snap3 – Remove apparmor sudo /etc/init.d/apparmor stop sudo update-rc.d -f apparmor remove4 – Install a recent kernel s...

Zend IDE, optimize startup and remove default Git Staging

Written by on 04/02/2017
To make Zend IDE launch faster, simply deactivate all the modules that initialize at launch. Window -> Preferences -> General -> Startup and Shutdown And uncheck everything To prevent Zend IDE from using Git Staging, just remove it from the default launch. Window -> Preferences -> Team -> Git -> Committing And uncheck the first box "Use Staging View to commit instead of Commit Dialog"

Increase the Size of a VirtualBox Hard Drive

Written by on 17/10/2015
To change the size of a disk, you need to clone it to vdi, increase the size, and thenVBoxManage clonehd "source.vmdk" "cloned.vdi" --format vdiVBoxManage modifyhd "cloned.vdi" --resize 51200VBoxManage clonehd "cloned.vdi" "resized.vmdk" --format vmdkTo change the UUID of the disk, simply run this command:VBoxManage internalcommands sethduuid disk2.vdi