Section git

[GIT] Export revisions with file structure

Written by on 10/12/2015
Category:   Shell
Tags:   git
To perform an export, similar to how tortoiseSVN does which allows exporting files from one or several revisions, along with their directory structure (which is convenient for a production deployment), simply execute the following command, specifying the previous revision and the latest revision: git diff-tree -r --no-commit-id --name-only 6c16aaab 35168851| xargs tar -rf /var/www/delivery.tar

Delete a branch in git

Written by on 10/10/2015
Category:   Shell
Tags:   git
To completely remove a branch from your git server (including history), simply use the following command:git push origin --delete [branch name]Then you need to run the following command on the instances to remove the information of the deleted branch: git fetch --all --pruneIf for one reason or another, you need to delete one or more files from previous commits, here is an interesting article on the subject: