The Sonata Extra Bundle provides a powerful feature for automatic translation through its Translation API functionality. This feature allows users to effortlessly translate text between different languages using AI-powered translation providers.
Understanding Translation API
The Translation API is a feature that leverages AI-powered translation services to provide automatic translation for text. By integrating different translation providers, users can translate text to various languages without manual intervention.
Below is a snapshot of the default configuration for the Translation API feature in the Sonata Extra Bundle:
translate_on_create_page: true
default_provider: open_ai
class: Partitech\SonataExtra\Translation\Provider\OpenAiProvider
api_key: 'sk-your-api-Key'
model: 'gpt-3.5-turbo'
max_token_per_request: 200
Explanation of configuration parameters:
- translate_on_create_page: When set to true, enables translation on the creation page.
- default_provider: Specifies the default translation provider to be used. Set to null if you don't wish to use the Translation API.
- providers: A list of translation providers. Each provider has its own set of configurations.
Best practice would be to set the key and model in the .env. But you are free to set it in the yaml conf file. By default it is configured to use the .env
api_key: '%open_ai_api_key%'
model: '%open_ai_api_model%'
OpenAI Provider Configuration
The default provider is OpenAI. Here's an explanation of the OpenAI provider's configuration parameters:
- class: The class name of the provider implementation.
- api_key: Your OpenAI API key. Find your API key here.
- model: The model to be used for translation. Read more about models and pricing here.
- max_token_per_request: The maximum number of tokens per request.
Adding a New Provider
Adding a new provider requires two main steps:
Create a Provider Class:
- Create a class that implements TranslationProviderInterface.
- Implement the translate method to handle the translation using your chosen provider.
namespace App\Translation\Provider;
class YourProvider implements TranslationProviderInterface
private $config;
public function setConfig($config)
// Your provider's configuration is automatically passed here
public function translate(string $text, string $targetLanguage): string
// Translation logic here
return $translated_string;
public function translateArray(array $arrayOfText, string $targetLanguage): array
// Translation logic here
$translated_array[$key] = [
'original' => 'original text',
'translated' => 'translated text',
return $translated_array;
Then you can call translator anywhere
namespace App\Controller;
use Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\AbstractController;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response;
use Symfony\Component\Routing\Annotation\Route;
use Symfony\Contracts\Service\Attribute\Required;
use Partitech\SonataExtra\Translation\TranslationProviderFactoryInterface;
class TranslationController extends AbstractController
private TranslationProviderFactoryInterface $translationProviderFactory;
public function autowireDependencies(
TranslationProviderFactoryInterface $translationProviderFactory
$this->translationProviderFactory = $translationProviderFactory;
* @Route("test/translate", name="translate")
public function translate(Request $request): Response
/* you can force the provider */
$translationProvider = $this->translationProviderFactory->create('open_ai');
/* or you can use the default one */
$translationProvider = $this->translationProviderFactory->create();
$text = 'Il fera beau demain';
$targetLanguage = 'de';
You can use any locals that the api can understand, depending on the service.
$translatedText = $translationProvider->translate($text, $targetLanguage);
return $this->render('translation/translate.html.twig', [
'original_text' => $text,
'translated_text' => $translatedText,
Update Configuration:
- Add your new provider to the providers section in the configuration.
class: App\Translation\Provider\YourProvider
# Other provider-specific configuration here
By following these steps, you can add and configure new translation providers to extend the Translation API feature's capabilities within the Sonata Extra Bundle.