Partitech Sonata Extra Bundle : Media Library for Ckeditor


Proper configuration of CKEditor is essential for its optimal functionality. This guide provides the steps to install a valid version of CKEditor and configure it to use the Media library in a Sonata project.


Addressing Invalid LTS License Key Error

If you encounter the following error:

[CKEDITOR] For more information about this error go to

Install the specified version of CKEditor:

bin/console ckeditor:install --tag=4.19.0
bin/console asset:install

Configuration for Media Library

To integrate the Media library with CKEditor, you need to specify filebrowserBrowseRoute and filebrowserImageBrowseRoute. Use the sonata_extra_ckeditor_media_browser route for this purpose.

Here is a sample configuration:

    default_config: default
    base_path: "build/ckeditor"
    js_path:   "build/ckeditor/ckeditor.js"
            language: fr
            # default toolbar plus Format button
                - [Bold, Italic, Underline, -, Cut, Copy, Paste,
                   PasteText, PasteFromWord, -, Undo, Redo, -,
                   NumberedList, BulletedList, -, Outdent, Indent, -,
                   Blockquote, -, Image, Link, Unlink, Table]
                - [Format, Maximize, Source]

            enterMode: CKEDITOR.ENTER_BR
            filebrowserBrowseRoute: sonata_extra_ckeditor_media_browser
            filebrowserImageBrowseRoute: sonata_extra_ckeditor_media_browser